Category Archives: Business

Sudoku thinking

How many times have you heard the “try, try again” comment? Or, alternatively, variations on “if at first you don’t succeed, try harder”? It’s an approach to problem-solving which is time-honoured but I have to wonder how smart or efficient it is. I’m reminded that one definition of insanity is repeating the same actions and expecting a different outcome (as per Albert Einstein, I believe). Recently, I met someone who spoke about using a Sudoku approach to problem solving. The imagery stuck with me and we chatted further. In essence, the point being made was that once one has determined that a valid or desired solution is possible (which is … Continue reading

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The BIA and a mid-process restructuring

Life evolves.   As does business.   And corporate structures.   And therein lies a challenge for Business Continuity.   How many of you have almost completed a phase of the continuity program when the groups you have been working with abruptly undergo a restructuring thus requiring a lot of rework?    While the constant change and evolution of corporate structures can be one of the more frustrating aspects of our field it is also, for me at least, one of the things which keeps life interesting.    That said, corporate reorganisations and mission changes can play havoc with our project timelines and delivery schedules.    It is, perhaps, ironical that the very people who plan for … Continue reading

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Presenting data: entity relationships

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Very, very few business units operate in complete isolation within a company.   (If they do, I suspect they are close to being closed down or sold.)    Thus, to truly develop an impact assessment of what will happen when a given business unit (BU) halts operations, it is really important to understand the web of dependencies within which the business unit operates. The way I explain this concept is to talk about a flow of data or products.   In essence, there are those “upstream” and “downstream” of the BU.   Those “upstream” are those providing the BU with needed input (data or product) and are the BU’s suppliers who the BU will … Continue reading

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Presenting data: IT systems

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As part of determining the core business processes, you should also have collected the information technology systems those processes depend upon.   How do you intend to present that information? One option is simply a list of systems and associated values such as the number of people needing a given system and the time-lines of that need.   While technically complete and of crucial importance to your IT folk, a tabulated list is not terribly interesting when presenting your BIA results to, say, your senior executive.   Especially, as is likely, it is a very long list of all your hardware, software and infrastructure systems. What follows is a suggestion for presenting the … Continue reading

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So I’ve gathered my BIA data. Now what?

Gathering the BIA data can sometimes be intimidating enough that looking beyond to the reporting stage sometimes falls into the “I’ll think about that tomorrow” category.   However, at some point, you have to get there.   After all, you’ve invested a lot of time and effort in designing your questions, setting up the appointments and gathering the data.   If you wish to avoid leaving your stakeholders and sponsors with the impression that it has been a waste of time or, perhaps worse, a cosmetic box-ticking exercise, it is crucial that the reports be useful.   Even better is to produce a report which is both useful and intuitive. How much ability you … Continue reading

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Cognitive commission, not omission

The title of this comes from a phrase in an excellent book, The Character of Harms by Malcom Sparrow, which I read rather slowly some time back.   (The slowness was due to a) my having to read it between many other books and b) it not being the lightest of reading – not the quality of the writing .)   However, I was recently reading his chapter on “Catastrophic Harms” and he makes the point that decisions as to preventive action need to be consciously made.   I think his terminology is far more erudite and elegant than my equivalent phrase, “default decision”, but we are addressing the same issue. The problem arises in situations … Continue reading

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